
  • tTravel Tutorial: Fold/Unfold Button

    tTravel Tutorial: Fold/Unfold Button

    To speed up navigation inside the itineraries we’ve introduced the Fold/Unfold button. Fold mode – all text blocks and location blocks are folded to speed up your navigation through the day of the itinerary. A lifesaver when there are 10+ locations or long text descriptions in the day. Unfold mode – all text blocks and…

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  • tTravel Tutorial: Notes Section

    tTravel Tutorial: Notes Section

    Notes section of the itineraries stores general must-know information about the destination you’re traveling to. It can be for example: Basically, here itinerary creators can put all the information travelers should know before going to the destination of the itinerary. Previously, I had to write down all this information in the text description of the…

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