
  • tTravel Tutorial: Wallpaper Changing

    tTravel Tutorial: Wallpaper Changing

    There’s a big chance you didn’t know that you can change the look of your home screen in tTravel. Only 8% of users have changed the wallpapers on the home screen so far.

    Try clicking anywhere to the left or right of Me and choose one of the universes you like the most.

    This is an Easter Egg feature so far, but since we’ve added it to the subscription, we need to increase the % of users trying it. Our Rive animation artist Liuba and motion design/graphic design artist Anya have interesting ideas that we’re currently working on. Stay tuned! When we implement any of them, we’ll spill the beans.

  • tTravel Tutorial: Map Layer Switching

    tTravel Tutorial: Map Layer Switching

    To change the layer of your personal Scratch map you need to have both your Plans and Memories unlocked.

    1. Add some countries to your Plans and Memories widgets.
    2. Then, just swipe Me’s head (cube) in any direction.

    Also, when your Plans and Memories widgets are unlocked, you can click Me and it will tell you a hint “Swipe Me”.

  • tTravel Tutorial: Fold/Unfold Button

    tTravel Tutorial: Fold/Unfold Button

    To speed up navigation inside the itineraries we’ve introduced the Fold/Unfold button.

    Fold mode – all text blocks and location blocks are folded to speed up your navigation through the day of the itinerary. A lifesaver when there are 10+ locations or long text descriptions in the day.

    Unfold mode – all text blocks and location blocks are unfolded enabling full-fledged story mode. In this mode you can immerse into the Day content and consume all the information without superfluous clicks, just scrolling.

  • tTravel Tutorial: Notes Section

    tTravel Tutorial: Notes Section

    Notes section of the itineraries stores general must-know information about the destination you’re traveling to. It can be for example:

    • Accomodation tips
    • Clothes to take
    • Food
    • Car rental
    • Language barrier
    • Money exchange
    • Safety
    • Necessary items to bring

    Basically, here itinerary creators can put all the information travelers should know before going to the destination of the itinerary.

    Previously, I had to write down all this information in the text description of the first day of my itineraries. Now, we’ve developed a convenient separate itinerary section for such types of information: